The day before Christmas Eve I began reading a book called She Said Yes.
It's a book I've wanted to read for years, but finally did. It's the story of Cassie Bernall, a victim from the Colombine Massacre back in 1999. This book by her mother gives an insight to the world of Cassie. She was asked by the attackers at Colombine if she believed in God and when she said "yes," she was killed. The story, however, doesn't sugar coat Cassie and is even reluctant to refer to her as a martyr. The book goes in depth about Cassie's own struggles and her potential for going down the same path as her killers. It is a story of a girl who had basically given her life to satan, literally, and God still turned her around.
One of my favorite parts in the book was when her mother was writing about Cassie's funeral and the message that the pastor gave. He was saying that Cassie didn't just die that day, but died every day before that. She said "yes" and died to herself everyday, again and again. Without that faith to say "yes" all of those other days, she may not have had the courage to say yes this time around.
Another very touching part that I appreciated was when the parents of one of the killers sent an apology letter to the Bernall family. Their faith in God was inspiring as well. I can't imagine what that situation must have been like, but it is amazing what God brings us through.
If you haven't read it or it's been awhile, I would encourage you to give it a look. I might include a favorite quote or two in the future.
Next on my list: Blue Like Jazz (a Christmas gift) and In the Presence of My Enemies (a book about some Kansas missionaries who were attacked in South America). I love having time to read over break.