I know it's been ages since I've blogged last. I think I took such a crazy journey for awhile and then after that, I had not a clue as to how to describe what I had experienced.
I realized that I had stopped moving forward and had been slowing down for a long time, but this unforgiveness that plagued me, finally brought me to a screeching halt until God (and some incredible people that He has blessed me with) showed me that there is freedom in forgiveness. There is a freedom that is promised in the blood of Jesus. Bondage is no more.
So I went through a process of what it means to let go of things that have happened in the past. I really appreciated the definition of forgiveness that I was given: "It's not forgetting or even saying what happened is "okay," but it's letting that person off the hook. It's giving up your right to be angry." I think that made me even more angry for awhile. I have held on to the idea that I've deserved to be angry over certain things that have transpired in my life. That justification of my bitterness just deepened the issue that kept eating away at me. I didn't even realize it. I woke up one day and realized that there were certain things and people that I couldn't even encounter without feeling angry. There was this huge part of me that was clinging to a sin that was so unhealthy.
It took me awhile to realize that I was even wounded and once I did, it took me another while to realize I could and needed to be freed of that unforgiveness and bitterness. Once that happened and I asked God to heal me and guide me, I was overwhelmed by how quickly healing started to come. Those relationships and situations are already a billion times better than they have been in a long time. From there, it means continuing to take steps to improve those relationships and situations, continuing to claim the freedom I have from those wounds (especially when that anger creeps back in), and continually asking for compassion and love for those people and those situations. I think my biggest challenge now, however, is making myself more aware of how those wounds affect me in my adult life and how I need to overcome those wounds and habits to become a healthy woman of God. It has been an awesome process that I'm glad to continue.
I would like to say, however, that this process began and continues to be rooted in God's Word and wrapped in prayer. At the beginning of all of this, I went through Scripture and studied any reference to forgiveness that I could find. I learned that almost none of the times that Jesus spoke forgiveness (usually accompanied by physical healing) were solicited. He freely spoke forgiveness without apology. That was one huge hurdle for me to overcome. He spoke some strong words too about us being forgiven as much as we are willing to forgive. I'd encourage you to dig into Scripture about forgiveness if this is an issue on your heart. For any issue on your heart, really, it's the best place to start. The other thing about this process is not walking alone. I get so frustrated by this because I would much rather think that I could solve my issues on my own, but I can't. God created us for community to walk together through issues and joys. I have been blessed to have a mentor and friend through this process to listen to me, guide me, and pray with and for me. It's been phenomenal and I've already lined up a mentor for when I return to the Cities. I think it's a valuable thing to always find someone that can mentor us and always be a mentor type to someone else. It is how we grow and encourage others to do the same.
It's been amazing and I've been hugely blessed.
Since that huge spurt of growth, however, I've been feeling like I'm plateauing again. It can be easy to get complacent and not seek diligently after God's Word. I get cynical and jaded. But I know there are seasons to everything. God is still sovereign.
In other news, I've been entertaining yet another possible ministry path. I've always loved psychology and counseling is one of my favorite parts about ministry. My mentor friend suggested that I might consider a parish counseling path. Another thing to consider... I've been praying for God to reveal a passion in me and that was a conversation I had just after that. Who knows...still need to think and pray on that one. I get frustrated because I've already got too many options. God knows where I'm heading though. I'm trying to just rest in that.
In other news still, I've just returned from visiting the beloved Twin Cities. I had a marvelous time at a wedding and spending lots of time with great friends. I know I've missed them while I've been on internship, but when I was back with them, I was overwhelmed by how much I love them. :) I'm getting very excited to return there. It was a great visit to tie me over until I get to head back north. On the flight home, I got to journal quite a bit and most of it was reflecting on those relationships. My friends are wonderful and obvious proof that God knows me better than I know myself. He's blessed me more than I can ever know.
I'm on a new workout kick. I started tonight and I really hope it lasts. I don't want to be the intern that came back flabby. I've been hearing lots of my friends and people at church starting new workouts or diets and felt the need to step up. I know I'm going to be sore tomorrow.
I think that's about it, though... this is what God has been speaking to me. "Let me show you how much I love you." It's come up over and over again since Easter and I just love it. In wonderful times and in sad times, it has seemed to overwhelm me with God's truth and insurmountable love.
A month and a half left in Arizona...