Monday, March 2, 2009

a TV and a sundae on a Monday...

Today was really cool. It was a great change of pace.

I slept extremely late. Josiah came over and we had lunch. Then we ventured off to Sun Lakes. A woman there wanted to give me her TV and so we went to go pick it up from her place.

She lives in an assisted living facility that was sweet! It was like a fancy hotel for people to live in. We got the TV and had to roll it on a cart, bring the car around, and load it up. Darlene chatted with us and told us stories the whole time. She had just moved in and didn't need this TV anymore. Mine has a green corner so the staff at church thought I should get it.

We got the TV loaded up and the cart rolled across the parking lot. Darlene got a kick out of that--thankfully it didn't hit any cars. Then she treated us to a trip to the "ice cream shoppe." :) She was great to chat with and told us that ice cream was one of her favorite things. That's why she was getting "fat and sassy." :) Who wouldn't love a lady who said that?? Josiah and I had a lovely chat with her and then we headed to the church. We recruited Pastor David to come and help move the TV into my apartment. There are stairs. So now I have a schnazzy, big TV and my old one is sitting on the floor...not sure where that's going. It's the rental company's, so it has to stick around somewhere.

The rest of the afternoon was spent getting some errands done, paying bills, and reading by the pool. My kids were texting me like crazy, too. Good thing I like them. :)

It's been awesome to see how much this conference this past weekend has really torn down walls with some of them. It's exciting. God's working so hugely!

Tonight I had a good dinner and watched the Bachelor. I wasn't a faithful follower of the show this season, but I caught the first episode and the last couple. It was pretty messed up. It's only proof of how imperfect our love is on this side of eternity. It's so telling of our culture. It's no wonder that marriage in our culture isn't sacred anymore. It's just like Melissa said on the show: "you chose me, but you're not willing to fight for see if things can work." This is our culture's view on marriage--outside and inside of the Church. A new friend shared with me this week a great insight. He said that people often preach so strongly against homosexuality because the church needs to preserve the sanctity of marriage. Okay....agreed....but..... Let's take a gander at marriage. 50% of marriages fail. Guess what, folks? That statistic for Christian couples is the same. Inside the church, the percentage of failed marriages is just as high. are we preserving the sanctity of marriage in our own families? We don't want to talk about marriage and relationship issues. We don't want to fight for them. My friend suggested that we first take a look at this situation with our marriages in the church and redeeming that sanctity before we go out and about protecting the sanctity in everyone else's realm. He said "let's work on us for awhile." I think he is very wise.

The Shack...hopefully some broad thoughts on it tomorrow. Josiah has my book right and I'd like to quote some we'll see.

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