Sunday, January 6, 2008

Faith of the Football Players

NFL Sunday football is on TV in the living room. We just finished an early dinner and my mom and dad are reading the paper with the game on. I am writing this entry because I was just touched.

As we were watching the game (between the San Diego Chargers and Tennessee), Antonio Gates from the Chargers got injured. He grimaced in pain as trainers checked out his ankle. Not for long, but for a few moments, the camera went to a few players on the bench. The shot showed two large players from the Chargers holding hands and praying. I would assume they were praying for their injured teammate. What an amazing witness! They didn't think anyone was watching...the camera shot was from afar. They also didn't care who saw them. It was not discussed by the commentators and nobody else was around them. I don't even know who they were. I was so impressed by these two players who have so much...fame and fortune. But still, they realize that they have nothing without the Lord. Amidst that time they acknowledged that it was God who was in control of the situation and He had the power to work.

The game is still on. There's laundry to be finished and dishes to tend to. I want to clean the car and finish packing. But I was inspired today. Something small..but something so great.

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