Tuesday, January 1, 2008


'07 is gone and '08 has come. My how the years fly by. Even though we're already in '08, I'd like to take a moment to reflect on the blessings of '07.

Let's see...

-Being with my HS crew for last New Years.
-Concordia (school)
-the new small group emerged. It has been more of a blessing that I could've ever imagined. I can't even tell you the benefits of walking along a group of people in faith. Sharing insight, stories, prayers, and struggles...I can't imagine the past year without them.
-the prayer chapel--a new discovery of a wonderful place at CSP. A small room that has been great for chatting, praying, taking a "time out" in the middle of the day or being an ear for someone else. It has been a remarkable blessing to me.
-spring break--stuck in the Twin Cities...in the dorms...we had church on our own because most in the Cities were canceled due to the snow.
-Meeting Gonso (an elderly buddy of Abby and me)--we learned so much from her; she showed us such a bold faith.
-Choir tour--meeting host families that always amaze me with gracious hospitality, spending Holy Week with friends and taking that journey together, spending time on the beach and on the bus, sharing ourselves and Christ with many people across Florida.
-Easter with a different family, but still considered family to me. Tim, Josiah, Shane, and I spent the holiday together. It was fun and probably one I won't forget for quite some time.
-Weddings galore. Watching dear friends being united before God. It was a special blessing to spend time with my Youth Encounter teammates at Troy and Joannie's wedding.
-Camp. Oh, camp. Joys, fun, struggles, weariness...great memories, great friends, great experience, great lessons learned. I was amazed by campers, challenged by staff, and encouraged constantly by a few friends that sent me mail and gave up some time for weekend phone calls. I'll never forget that crazy 2nd to last week of the summer...I was shocked and amazed by the care of my coworkers. I couldn't have made it without you all.
-Concordia in the fall...not to be mistaken for the previous Concordia...although they might be the same place and the same name, they are very different. Some new friends, new experiences, new challenges...things change as we get older. God has stretched me a lot this semester.
-CSP faculty--Thanks for caring. That's something I can't get over. I appreciate your constant support, guidance, and mentoring. You are the people who are shaping me. Thanks for taking the time and effort to do so. I learn so much from you all.
-Field Work!! One of the greatest blessings I have received this year has been my field work site. The people I work with, the youth in my small group, and all of the things I'm experiencing and learning have been phenomenal. I am so blessed.
-My pre-intern class. We are growing and taking this journey together. I am grateful for their support and camaraderie. Many a crazy night has went on in tier zero working on portfolios and papers. I am blessed again.
-My near and dear friends...I hope you know who you are. This has been an extremely challenging semester. More than I could ever or would ever need to describe. You may have heard lots about it or just bits and pieces, but knowing you're there and that you're praying for me and listening to me means the world to me. I may continue to be challenged by some of these things, but I know I'm not alone. I know I couldn't keep going if I were.
-Time with family--this Christmas break has been one of the best ones I've had with my family. I know partly because we know Debbie is leaving soon for Iraq and it's been important for us to do that. We aren't that close of a family, which is okay. However, this break has been really great to be with my family. This past week, I even got to spend a day with a TON of my dad's family that I rarely see. It was amazing. Fun filled, music filled, and just plain amazing.

I know I've been blessed much more than these few things that I've mentioned in the past year, but it is good to reflect and see that amidst some seemingly adverse times, God is faithful. God is present. God has and continues to bless me.

Now for '08..my "resolutions"..if you even want to call them that..are as follows:
-to make '08 the best year yet! Live life in the present with a good attitude and a grateful heart--living in the day that the Lord has made.
-to read the daily reading from "My Utmost for His Highest" and pass it on to someone else next year.
-to exercise more...I know that's broad, but I find it will help me with the first one; put me in a better frame of mind and body.

In other news, I still haven't finished "In the Presence of Mine Enemies." It's long and I've been at a friend's the last few days. I do know this however, it's not set in South America, but the Philippines. My mistake. More on that to come soon.

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