Monday, September 29, 2008

Alliteration Anecdotes Are Always Appealing

Lots has happened since my last entry...

1. Serving Stewart
I went into Phoenix to hang out with Josiah on Thursday. Well, he really wanted to find pumpkin pie, so we went to several "Perkins-esque" type restaurants and found nothing. We went to the last one and there was a man sitting outside of the restaurant begging for money. Josiah went to talk to him and he asked for some cash. We didn't have any really, so we took him inside to order him some food. While waiting for the food, we learned that his name was Stewart, he'd just got out of prison and was facing a hard road. He has drug and alcohol addictions, is homeless, hungry, and far from family who might be able to help him. We were just listening to his story and encouraging him with his efforts to turn his life around. We talked to him for probably almost an hour. Josiah had an idea to tell Stewart about his church that was just down the street. Josiah called his mom to see when Celebrate Recovery (a support program for addicts) met and it just so happened that it was meeting right then. We decided to take Stewart there. We took him to the church with his food, got him sat down at a table, and explained to the head of the ministry about his struggles and the fact that he didn't have a place to sleep that night. Stewart kept thanking us and saying that he knew that God would send help. We were encouraging him that with God's help, he could turn his life around. We haven't heard from him since then. Josiah was supposed to meet him the next morning, so he could go to his court appointment, but Stewart didn't show. We hope that someone from the church got him connected with the right people to help him. It was quite an adventure...and to be honest, there is probably no way that I would've went through all of that without Josiah taking the lead and really having a heart for Stewart. I wonder how long it's been since someone had sat and talked with him and put a hand on his shoulder. I pray for him tonight and that he's doing okay.

Talk about an answered prayer about having a heart for people and their hurts! (see previous entry) Geesh! God is so good.

2. Reverend Relocation
Yesterday, our new associate pastor and his family moved in to their new house. I went over to help them move and ended up staying most of the day to help his wife, Cher, unpack all of the kitchen stuff and wash all of the dishes before putting them away. It was really nice just talking and working with her. We talked the whole time. She encouraged me about being a woman of God that doesn't just give in to what's easy and what's accepted by society, but waiting for the promises of God to be fulfilled in me. She wanted to know about my call to was funny to hear someone use that phrase in reference to my life. She wanted to know about boys. She wanted to know about future plans and goals. It was refreshing to me. I felt so blessed to have another affirming woman in my life that could be a really great mentor and friend. She also really affirmed me. She was saying that she truly believes that I was gifted especially to be a worship leader and that there's just something about me when I'm leading...that the Holy Spirit speaks. She told me that I should at least consider worship leading, if not pursue it. I told her that my heart was definitely open to it and I'm going to think/pray over it this year. Cher also said something else that I thought was very profound and thoughtful: "I just can't wait to see who you are at the end of this year. I'm so curious and excited to see what God is teaching you this year and what it is that He's preparing you for through this internship."

I had to stop. I hadn't really thought of any of those things. I mean, I have my plans and ideas...which is dangerous. (Check out James 4 as to really spoke to me.) Again, I got to a place of humility. God is using me. Wow. What a realization! And somehow...through using me here, He's preparing me to be used places I haven't even heard of yet! Very humbling and exciting.

3. Battle of the Bands
I was just hanging out at home last night when Lori called and she and Dan were taking Ivan and heading out to watch Dimitri's marching band competition and invited me to come. :) It was something different to do and it's always fun to be around a family. They are a really great one too. :) I had fun watching the different bands perform and reminiscing about what high school was like...and how different I feel from the kids that are that age now. It's always great to be amidst families though and I got to see one of my youth do something that he's so deeply devoted to. It was very cool. just so happens, that his director is from Phantom Regiment. Sooo...via this experience, Dimitri and I have a whole new thing to connect about!

4. Tag along Tidbits
-Debbie is going to be back in the States soon!!!!!!! Pray for safe travel. I'm beside myself with excitement.
-youth worship team went well tonight, they're sounding really good! It's exciting!
-We talked about Abigail in Women of the Old Testament tonight. What a phenomenal woman! The lesson challenged us to challenge ourselves as to how we can be peacekeepers in our own lives. Something think upon...what areas do I need more peace?
-Singing for a funeral tomorrow...maybe playing guitar too. Kinda stressful for me to do that...but we'll see. It may not be too bad.
-School is out on I don't have to teach for awhile. It'll give me more time to get work done and plan ahead. :)
-Even though I'm really feeling very good about being here and what's going on here, I still miss my friends. I think even if I had made lots of friends here already, I'd still miss them. I really really, really love my friends. That's all. :)

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