Monday, September 15, 2008

What's Your Story?

One of my favorite things to do is listen to stories. I love hearing the stories of strangers and people that I have known for years. This is how we can learn to understand someone, how we can show someone that we care about them, and how we can gain compassion for others.
For the past several weeks in the senior high Bible study time we have been studying the book of Romans. There are so many great themes and messages that are displayed throughout Romans. Our first lessons was studying the first several verses of the book and we talked about Paul’s pure joy and excitement to share the Gospel with the world. In the first verse of Romans, Paul even goes so far to say that he was “set apart for the Gospel of God (Rom. 1:1).” Paul, a converted persecutor of Christians, wanted to live for nothing else but to spread the message of Christ crucified. In verse 16 of Romans 1, Paul writes: “I am not ashamed of the Gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes.” This was the confirmation verse that was chosen for me, so it is familiar. However, when I think of Paul’s circumstances and his passion for the Gospel, I am continually amazed. The same message he had killed people for in the past became something that he was willing to die for himself.
The conversation of the group came to the question, “why don’t we have Paul’s attitude about boldly proclaiming the Gospel?” We are afraid. Rejection, embarrassment, and not knowing enough about Scripture or doctrine are just a few fears that kill our passion to share boldly. So what’s the answer? How do we get around these fears to fulfill the Great Commission of Matthew 28:19? My first thought is stories. When you get to know someone, you tell them stories about who you are, places you’ve been, and things you’ve done. Telling a story from your life and where you saw God working is a wonderful way to boldly proclaim the God that loves us! It can be difficult to walk up to someone and say “Here’s a Bible. Let me tell you about Jesus!” However, I think that just about anyone can tell a story about themselves and help others see where God has been working throughout their story. Everyone is equipped and capable of sharing Jesus with others. God has given each of us a story. Sharing your story also welcomes others to do the same and gives you an opportunity to help him or her see where God has been working in their life! I had a professor who told us she tore the back cover off of her Bible because the story isn’t finished yet. God is still working through all of our stories. I think of that old song, I Love to Tell the Story. The story of Jesus’ love can be found throughout the adventures and tales of our own lives. His rescue happens over and over again for us. His faithfulness continues to be revealed in our day to day lives.
We don’t need bull horns or gimmicks. It can simply be sharing your story and inviting someone to do the same. Blessings to you as you reflect on your personal story of God’s love and use it as a light to others!

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