Monday, November 10, 2008

Sunday, bloody Sunday.

Another Sunday come and gone.

It was a very good one though! :) Worship went well.
I got to take a nap.
Core and youth group went pretty quickly.

The weekend was really good. I got my sassy new haircut/color on Friday and that's been exciting! Friday night was spent at a high school football game with a mom of a youth (we had to sit far enough away from the youth as not to embarrass them... haha..I'm already losing cool points). Afterward the kids came over to her house and I spent the evening hearing hilarious stories from my youth. The rest of the night was spent discussing ministry with my friend. She's really trying to push and challenge me. I really appreciate that. This week has been such a draining one. I know that I need to take steps to make sure that doesn't become the norm, but sometimes my coping mechanism is to vent. I need to get it out and then I'll be okay. If it's really intense, then I'll take further steps. I think I don't really have people to vent to except for those who try to fix it or it's their job to challenge me to grow in that area. I just want to have someone that nods. Haha. And a little empathy.

In this, I learned a lesson about myself. I could definitely do less advice giving and more of simply listening.

I got to have some nice down time on Saturday morning and spent the afternoon with Si. We walked around...pretty much our norm. Lunch and walk about. Haha. Occasionally ice cream. He got recognized by a little girl and her mom as "Prince Charming." How cute! I died laughing. :)

Last night I watched "Definitely, Maybe." I couldn't believe how much I liked it. It was such a cool way to tell a story in a movie. I was totally sucked in. Then I caught myself assigning people that I know to the different characters in the movie. I feel like I identified with several ways. I know lots of Will's and Emily's. I'm not really sure about Summer, though. I'll have to think about it more. I genuinely felt for Will.. Oh man. I just really liked this movie. It took place in New York too. That's always a plus.

So my mom is coming out to visit in December (after Christmas). I'm really, really pumped about that! I wish my dad were coming too...but whatev. It'll be nice to have some "mom time." And I get the feeling it might be better off just having her out here. What can you do?

There was a crazy weird dust storm today! I woke up from a nap to howling wind. Then I heard a loud sound on the roof tops. It was RAINING! I couldn't believe it! It was only for a few minutes and it stopped, but rain nonetheless. After that, a big dust storm rolled in. I was sitting in my office watching trees and building disappear behind the wall of dust. People were saying that they'd never seen a "cold" dust storm before. They're usually during monsoons in the summer. It was bizarre. I hate the smell of dust that gets caught in your nose and how it just blankets everything. I just cleaned my patio and my car needs a bath. Other than that, the weather has been lovely.

In other news...I've joined a small group at Camber and am looking at taking some community courses like a dance class or photography. We'll see. It could be cool..and maybe some potential for new friends.

I need sleep. G'night! Blessings on your week!

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