Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ash Wednesday...(no comments on "The Shack" yet)

Today is Ash Wednesday. The beginning of the Lenten journey.

They often use the "journey" image with Lent. I really like thinking about things in terms of a journey. I can relate to that. For Lent, I imagine us being on a road that winds around, up, and down, until we get to Jerusalem on Palm Sunday and take the Holy Week journey. It's a journey to the cross. I think it's so great because journeys are taken one step at a time and we get to center our focus more and more throughout this season. By the last week, we're in it. Involved, invested, and apart of the story.

My Lenten "journey" will not be fueled, however, by pop or coffee or anything from Starbucks for that matter. It's going to be tough--I've already experienced a dull headache, which stinks, but is only affirmation that I really need to do this. My water bottle will be my close companion. :) I reflected for awhile about why people give up things for Lent. I don't want to fall into some legalistic practice that is used to make people feel like "better Christians." Not only will this be something that is positive for my body...a stewardship mindset, if you will....but what a great way to break my dependence on something that I insist on having around all too regularly.

I want to blog everyday of this 40 days as well. Not all the same thing...maybe some songs or poetry that I've written...maybe just a Bible verse that's stood out to me....who knows. It's just good to write. :)

I got to impose ashes on people today. It was so different being on the flip side of things. It was really interesting to see the responses that people had to it. I would say, "remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return." Some said "amen," others said "thank you." I didn't know if I should smile at people or not as they approached me. But then I realized this: Dust isn't bad. God created it. It's His. We started with Him as dust and we will end with Him as dust again. His promise to us is sure that in baptism we were marked on our forehead with His name and we are His. We all know that life is fleeting, but that will never change the fact that we belong to God and will always continue to. We have bear the dirt of our sin, but it also shows us how desperately we need our Savior.

I pray that Lent is a reflective time for you. Think about whose you are and rest in the journey He made for you as He walks with you on yours.

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