Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I get by with a little help from my....self?

I'm in awe of some of the people in the Bible. Not only about the fact that they got to hang out in person with Jesus in His human form, but because so many came to Jesus to ask for help. They were humble enough to put their pride aside, acknowledge that they needed help, and recognize that there was Someone greater that could offer them the healing and power that they needed.

I have a rough time with that. I would much rather prove that I can do things on my own. I was raised to think that asking for help is a sign of weakness. It is very difficult to ask for help, but ultimately it's an issue with the First Commandment. By thinking we have the strength to handle anything that comes our way on our own, we are saying that we are god.

I am learning that especially when a person lives alone, they must ask for help. It is imperative. If you are alone and don't ask for help, nobody is going to step in because nobody knows there is a need. I am learning that asking for help isn't a sign of weakness, but an attribute of a healthy and self-aware person. It is a mark of a person who is big enough to admit fallibility and humble themselves.

This is such a difficult lesson to learn, but I know that if I don't really take initiative in asking for help, it's going to hurt me more in the long run.

This is maturity--knowing when you're in over your head and seeking help before you drown.

1 comment:

Tim said...

I am on the biggest Beatles kick right now. I was able to snag about six albums from Rachel, who got them from Susanna (shh...don't tell anyone).

Anyway, thanks for the high five. Things turned around much better today on the ol' director front.

It's pretty incredible what a night of sleep can do.