Monday, February 16, 2009


It's been quite a full weekend!

All day Friday and Saturday I was at church, along with about 6 other people, decorating and getting ready for the fundraising gala. We were rushing around until the last minute, but everything got done and turned out really well.

The kids served dinner and drinks. We also had silent auction baskets, several raffle items, and a couple of live auction items. The kids did 3 little routines to 50's songs. The girls danced to "He's So Fine" and I sang to a split track. That was pretty fun. Then later in the evening, I sang "At Last" by Etta James and people were calling me "Etta" for the rest of the night and on Sunday morning. It was a full, but fun night. I left church around 11:30pm, only to return at 7am for Sunday worship. Man, it was rough getting up. Worship went well though, for all 4 services, so that's good.

During the 7:30 service, we learned there was going to be an event in the fellowship hall that evening, which meant we had to clean it up before then. Kids started cleaning after the 8:50 service and by the time I was done leading worship after the 10:10 service, there wasn't much left to do! So I grabbed some leftovers from the event and went home. I was planning on a nap, but a friend called and chatted with me for a long time and by the time we were done chatting, it was time for me to head back to church for confirmation & youth group.

It was a pretty good night with them. It was really cool teaching the confirmation kids about Sabbath. We lit a candle and I led them through how to do a devotion with their family for some "sabbath time" each day. It was very calming and they did well with it.

Hanging out with the high school kids was cool too. There are so many people in our youth group that have such huge potential to grow, serve, and be amazing contributors in God's kingdom. I wish I could show them how great they are and that they would own that. They are capable of such great things, but I'm not sure how to open them up to those capabilities. God has gifted so many of them so hugely. It is going to be an interesting challenge to help them realize this potential and guide them in an avenue where that potential can come to fruition. God is moving.

But is a day of rest. Yesssss.

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