Friday, February 27, 2009

Day 2....

Today was a bit rough on the fasting front. My headache was pretty intense almost constantly and it was difficult to focus. I've been staying up pretty late and I haven't had any caffeine. So that equals me being really unfocused and "meh" feeling.

Buut...I feel like my body is getting healthier. I had a healthy lunch and then I came home and made dinner (grilled chicken, rice, and peas). Woot woot! I felt good about making that dinner tonight. I'm determined to do better at taking care of my body. After all, it is a temple.

Tonight I got to talk to my friend, Scott, from camp. We hadn't talked in a long time...about a year and a half. It was so great talking to him about life, God, and how far we've come since camp. He's always someone who can make me think about things differently and bring a different perspective about faith and life. I couldn't believe how long we talked--it's like no time had gone by. God's doing awesome things with him and it's so great to hear stories about how God is working and continues to stretch us.

Tomorrow will be a full day. I still haven't written anything about The Shack. It's because I have so much to say that I know it'll take some time and thought...and I haven't put in that much effort yet. Ha! But tomorrow...I get to rest for awhile and then I'm taking my kids to a youth conference for the weekend. It's exciting! :)


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